Energy Application Associates is in the business of designing and constructing cost effective, efficient, home heating systems.
Our Philosophy
The following principles are key to our business:
Build it as if you own it: Every product must be designed and installed as though we were building it for our own home.
Know the Home Owner: To build a satisfactory home heating system it is necessary to understand the specific requirements of our customer. Different customers have different concerns. We need to know what the customer wants the system to look like. Do they want old-fashioned radiators, an invisible radiant panel system, or something that is a combination of the two? What sources of energy are available at the building site? What is the homeowner’s budget? What is the best way to meet all the homeowner’s goals?
Find the most cost effective solution: There is a balance that must be maintained between the initial cost of the building the system and the cost of operating the system.
Do not promise what you cannot deliver: Customers do not like surprises, especially unexpected expenses. Our customers must be advised of the total cost of their job. Change orders are to be avoided. The customer will be informed of predictable problems that might increase costs beyond the initial projections before commencing work.
Always deliver a quality product: We will not cut corners or install equipment that is inadequate for the job. If we cannot build a safe and functional product for the available budget, we will not take the job.
Watch for new ideas: It is necessary to continually examine new products and technologies as they come to market, and evaluate them for incorporation into efficient home heating systems.
Quality work is the product of good employees: All our employees must be completely trustworthy, willing to continually educate themselves, and understand the engineering disciplines and physics that apply to the specific job they perform.
All machinery breaks: Therefore, all products must be designed and installed to facilitate a speedy diagnosis and quick, cost effective repairs.
We will not sell fuel: The sale of fuel for home heating is a conflict of interest, as our goal is to constantly reduce fuel consumption.
We are held accountable for our work: Quality work can only be guaranteed when there is a clear path of responsibility for the work performed. Therefore, it is imperative for the system designer to have construction oversight.
Review the installed product: Installed systems must be surveyed from time to time to assure that all goals have been attained.
The environment we live in is the one we construct: Solar and geothermal heating systems are excellent choices for new home construction. However, the most cost effective way to reduce the carbon footprint of existing homes is to upgrade the installed heating system.
Why Energy Application Associates is Different
Energy Application Associates (EAA) builds your heating systems as if we were building it for our own home. This is true whether it is a completely new system for a new home or a replacement boiler to upgrade an older house.
Construction standards are at the highest level, trouble free operation, system life expectancy, ease of service, and fuel efficiency are the basis for all of our installations. These requirements are integrated with your needs for comfort, your aesthetic values, and your budget. Our goal is always to give you the best value for your money. Since everyone has different values and priorities, our first goal is always to learn the specific requirements for your home.
Most heating contractors are in the business of building heating systems as inexpensively as possible. This allows them to get work by being the low bidder. Some heating system providers are oil or gas companies, who usually install heating systems as a means of capturing and retaining homeowners as customers for future fuel sales.
At Energy Application Associates, our only business is building you the most efficient heating system we can. We want you to use as little fuel as is possible to heat your home comfortably. We build a quality product that is installed in manner that maximizes its life expectancy and minimizes future service costs. While building these systems takes more labor and more parts, this initial expense will greatly reduce future costs for fuel consumption and repairs. Cutting corners to save money and time minimizes initial costs and this is the game of the low bidder. Properly engineered and constructed heating systems will save you money continually over the lifetime of the system.
More information on what it takes to build an efficient heating system is covered in the section titled, What is an Engineered Heating System?
Our Company
As the founder of the company, Paul Heuston has always been an environmentalist. While still in college, he was involved in the creation of The Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference. While declining to be its first director he has maintained his lifelong interest in preserving our environment. He was also a founding member of the Hudson River Sloop Group helping to stage manage several of the fund raising concerts and later debugging mechanical problems after the initial delivery of the boat.
After a stint in the U.S. Coast Guard where Mr. Heuston was in charge of training personnel on the operation and maintenance of engines and boilers. He returned to a career in racecar engineering and development. Working on a number of engine development projects that included pioneering work in turbo charging and computer controlled engine management. This work involved relationships with Ford Motor Company, Volvo, Citroen, and Cosworth Engineering.
These projects ultimately led to environmental projects with the U.S. EPA and the State of Texas. Mr. Heuston holds a patent in emissions diagnostics.
In 1971, he started Energy Application Associates, LLC. Which was created because of research he conducted for a client on thermodynamics and energy usage in combustion operated machines. This work is the basis for the company’s ongoing work with household heating efficiency. Early research and field studies demonstrated the great inefficiencies of virtually all household heating systems constructed in the U.S. By 1973 the public had lost interest is reducing their fuel consumption as the oil crisis had passed and the compiled information was used primarily by corporate insiders on their own houses. In the late 1990’s EAA decided to explore the home heating business again as knowledgeable people were calling the company for help in reducing their utility bills. As there was viable equipment available that could greatly reduce the amount of fuel consumed in the course of household heating the company reentered the business.
Today the design and construction of high efficiency heating systems with a reduced environmental impact is our primary business. These systems are rapidly evolving with the use new materials and computer driven control systems. Successfully integrating these new technologies to build high performance household heating plants is a natural evolution for our team. Supporting the incorporation of solar and geothermal energy sources into household heating systems has opened new opportunities for us to support with our skills and technologies.